i was happily sitting in my clinic on friday, shaking my legs, dreaming of watching world cup later that night (hey, i'm entitled to! the patient load on friday is light as all trainee residents have to go for centralised teaching, leaving us non-trainee residents behind to do the proper work. bah), when i suddenly received a call from The Boss himself (head of dept!).
The Boss: (booming down the phone)"DITZY! come up to OT and assist me with the CS."
me: "oh ok yes sir sure sir anything you want sir" (grovelling in shock)
The Boss: "STAT!!!" (proceeds to hang up phone with a click)
so i hang up my phone, grab my bag, tell my clinic assistant, and sprint out of clinics and into the OT changing room (i change in under 3 minutes, what an achievement!) in under 5 minutes (and am totally breatheless by time i arrive in the OT).
spying The Boss already prepping the patient (and thinking "OH MY GOODNESS that should be MY job"), i open my mouth and squeak "sorry boss! will scrub now" breathlessly. so uncool. :\
however, The Boss threw me a ?grateful look - to which i was clueless as to why at that point in time.
opening the scrub door, who do i see but the "Hopeless Intern" (names have to be kept hush hush on this blog!) happily taking his time to scrub up. :\ now the reason for the grateful look becomes clear!
the circulating nurse hurries to open my gown and gloves and quickly bundles me into them, all scrubbed up. i even manage to put my hands on the patient before Hopeless Intern! geez.
surgery was adhesions +++ arghhh. unable to see bladder, unable to see uterus. everything was just stuck together in one big mess. i couldn't figure out where to put the doyen's, i had no clue where the ligaments were - really need to spend more time in OT!
Hopeless intern was really hopeless. despite The Boss' and my instructions, he just couldn't do anything right. i don't know if it was his first time in theatre and he was freaked out by all the blood and gore in sight, or if he was just sleeping on his feet cos he was tired, or if he was just hopeless.
but despite instructions like "my dear, the DIATHERMY please" or "ARTERY please" or "please DAB, not swipe", he just couldn't get it. The Boss was highly frustrated, and had me doing most of the assisting for the op. thankfully he's pretty nice and i've assisted in a few caesars before so yelling was kept to a minimum.
i ended the caesar with liquor in my crocs and blood dripping down my pants and splashed liberally across my crocs. ewwww. but mum and baby are doing fine so i've no complaints :) :) :)
"Houses" Quilt
6 months ago