Tuesday, March 15, 2011

today was a much better day :))
i did walkers today, ortho cases make me :))))
plus even managed to diagnose an anterior MI and get a "well done" out of the grumpy cardio registrar which made me really :D :D :D :D
somedays, i really love my job! today is just one of those days :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011


so. today was not the best of days. i flubbed 7 out of my 8 plugs that i had to set. i saw only 8 patients.

i could have pushed myself, stayed overtime and seen a 9th. but what would have been the point?

somedays are good days and some are bad days. today was a bad day. i felt like a noob intern struggling with plugs again for the first time, like my first ever call in the labour ward where i failed 8 plugs out of 10. that was one miserable night! :(

but like all things, it comes to pass. today was made much better by eating my hand delivered aussie tim tams (thank you so much chris! :) xx), drinking green tea, and watching Yes Minister :)

i will never get tired of humphrey's ridiculousness :))) and i love their language, it is really all sorts of awesome! must go re-read the books ;)

i could really use a break. and i just had a break! :\ uh ohhh. but super looking forward to gold coast, i must say :))))