Sunday, March 5, 2017


i've been away from adult ortho for so long (did spine, then paeds ortho then hand rotations).
tomorrow i'll be back for the first time in 1 year. wow.

can't remember the last time i scrubbed in on a hemiarthroplasty or a IM nail. frantically reading up on these tonight in the hope that i will be able to cope with OT alone toms... hopefully someone will be free that i can beg to help me out!

also posted to a team where this was a boss who once told me, "i can't see you as a surgeon."
the younger me tried everything to fight this and prove him wrong, but the me-right-now just agrees with him and wants to leave medicine.

but i know i shouldn't leave, i'm sure God has a plan and i need to hang in there.

gonna sleep early and hope that i'll survive tomorrow. praying hard!