Sunday, March 5, 2017


i've been away from adult ortho for so long (did spine, then paeds ortho then hand rotations).
tomorrow i'll be back for the first time in 1 year. wow.

can't remember the last time i scrubbed in on a hemiarthroplasty or a IM nail. frantically reading up on these tonight in the hope that i will be able to cope with OT alone toms... hopefully someone will be free that i can beg to help me out!

also posted to a team where this was a boss who once told me, "i can't see you as a surgeon."
the younger me tried everything to fight this and prove him wrong, but the me-right-now just agrees with him and wants to leave medicine.

but i know i shouldn't leave, i'm sure God has a plan and i need to hang in there.

gonna sleep early and hope that i'll survive tomorrow. praying hard! 

Monday, February 6, 2017

back (to you)

(title from bryan adams' song - you really need to listen to it!!!)

3 years is a long time to be away! but hopefully i'm back and here to stay. i've had so many pent up feelings that just don't give themselves over to instagram or facebook in short pithy captions. and each time i've told myself that i will blog about it... but guess who is the queen of procrastination as usual?

(clearly that was me in case you didn't know haha)

hopefully this blog will help me work through my angst and give me an outlet to express my frustrations and i'll be a less angsty person after (who am i kidding)

so it's 2017 and i'm in my 4th year of residency and 1st year of senior residency (equivalent to SpR) and the burnout that i've blogged about previously is back in full force. Unfortunately taking a break is not really an option at this point due to various circumstances. i guess i'll just have to learn to cope better?

if you have any tips on coping with burnout, i'd be super happy to hear them! :)